Hello friends, in this post you will find three items of interest. To help in making sense of it all, I will go through each one briefly (they are actually quite self-explanatory, but JUST IN CASE… LOL)

1. Tutorial Outline (click here to download)
This is basically the tutorial outline you got in lecture today—unless you weren’t in lecture today… Then you may want to download this to orientate you to what to expect in the tutorials. Don’t worry, they are NOT as crazy as they look.

2. Tutorial 1 Worksheet (click here to download)
This is a worksheet for the first tutorial. Take a look at the questions but don’t think too hard about them because, well, you really can’t answer it without a group… LOL. Either way, this is just so you know what to expect in part of Tutorial 1.

3. Outfoxed: Rupert Murdoch’s on Journalism at HKU libraries (click here to view)
The video you watched today is available from the HKU library catalogue. Unfortunately, some quick hands have snatched it and it is now due sometime in February* (@__@)

Right then, I have to get out of here! Later all!

*Thanks to Jenny for spotting this mistake—I initially wrote that Outfoxed was due back in October, LOL. My humble apologies for that error and sincere thanks for the correction! m(_ _)m