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Hey all, this post was written to address two issues,

1) It has been brought to our attention that the course readings were temporarily out of stock at the HKUSU Photocopying Centre in Chong Yuet Ming Amenities Centre. I do apologise for any distress and difficulties this may have caused, but please be assured that this problem has been resolved and that the course pack will be available again today (Thursday, 5th February). You will notice that the new pack will have some notes scribbled on the first few readings—forgive me for this as I was unable to find a correction pen to wipe them out in my rush to resolve this problem. Again, please accept my apologies for this oversight.

2) Those who have sat to ponder the tasks of the tutorial may also have noticed that the requirements for Week 2 and Week 3 sound extremely similar. The difference is simply that in Week 2, you will be working primarily within your groups so that you will have more time to  get to know the members in your team as well as to coordinate and allocate responsibilities for the rest of the semester. In some ways, you could conceive of Week 2 as still part of the orientation period; but as we move on to Week 3, things will begin to get a little more “serious” as discussions occur between groups and each group take turns to discuss their preliminary observations on their topic of interest. In essence, Week 3 will set the tone for the rest of the tutorials this semester.

Hopefully, that helps to clear up the main differences between the two weeks as well as set aside questions pertaining to the course reading pack. Right then, cheerio friends!

Hello friends, it is I once more!

Guest lecturer, Dr Fu King Wa, has requested that all students read the following texts in preparation for next week’s lecture. This way, you could all contribute and generate discussion in class. Here are three things you will need to do before next week’s lecture:

i) Read the webpage “Suicidal Behaviour and the Media: Findings from a systematic review of the research literature ” (from UK based The MediaWise Trust)

ii) Read Hong Kong Journalists Association Guidelines on Coverage of Suicides

iii) Read newspaper everyday (Oriental, Apple, Ming Pao or/and SCMP) and pick up some suicide stories. Try to identify the characteristics of these stories

For the newspaper segment, don’t forget Allison’s guide to searching for newspaper sources via WiseNews. Right, I should get going—check back later as we will be uploading the tutorial outline before the day is through.

Hey all, just wanted to drop a short note here before I run off to the airport. As noted in the last lecture, you are all free to contribute to this blog with your own posts. Why comment when you can post a complete segment and say it the way you want to say it (well, barring anything outrageously inappropriate that is, LOL).

To join in as one of this blog’s contributors, simply email either Allison or me and we will add you to the list of contributors. Now, keep in mind that there are limited rights for contributors, so your posts will sit there for review first before being greenlighted for publication. Nonetheless, we will likely allow the post to go through if there is nothing especially inappropriate on it (the last thing we need is another Edison scandal originating from this blog, LOL)…

Finally, HAPPY YEAR OF THE OX, FRIENDS! MAY YOU ALL PROSPER YOUR MINDS AND, of course, YOUR WALLETS (unless you are married that is, for which I can only wish you all the very best, LOL).

Have to run to the airport now, will post a more course-related topic when I have the time—but yes, we really would like all of you to contribute to this blog, so do give it a go!